Friday, June 10, 2011

Why blogger?

Our family got it’s first computer when I was in grade school.  My father was always a tech-aholic so I am pretty sure we were the first house on the culdesac with one.  Dad always valued the skill of writing above most others.  We would stay up nights (especially ones before I had a paper due) typing away leaving blood, sweat and tears on the gigantic keyboard.  Over the years the computers got smaller, the essays grew longer and the vocabulary expanded.  My technique evolved and served me well but was always a means to an end rather than an enjoyable pass time.

Just as the computer had years ago, the internet jumped on the scene and became all the rage.  It was the field of dreams, the world was built and the bloggers came.  I couldn’t understand the sensation blogs had created.  I mean who really wants to hear the ranting, raving and random thought of everyone with access to the internet?  Why would anyone write JUST to write?  Like most unanswered questions, I lived my way into the answer.

Not long ago, a dear friend of mine suggested I enter the ranks and find my rightful place among the legions of bloggers.  She urged me, “you are such an original voice with incredible life experiences to share and you are a talented writer…why not?”  Of course my inner child quipped back that no one in their right mind would bother to pay attention.  What could I possibly say that anyone would have a vested interest in?  As quickly as those thoughts began to fester, it became less of a  query and more of a challenge.  I should have something to say, and if I don’t then I have bigger problems to worry about than blogging…like getting a life!

I believe we ALL have something to say.  A story to tell.  A secret to reveal.  A life less ordinary.   We can all benefit from peeling back a layer and revealing something the world may not yet know.  So I decide the take the reigns and charge ahead into the new frontier of cyberspace.  

Los Angeles is the city of dreams where devastation and miracles are often handed out on street corners (just ask pretty woman)!  Living in LA LA Land has certainly afforded me a truth stranger than fiction.  These eyes have seen some things and these ears have heard a few more and since I was there when the tree fell in the forrest, I will gladly tell you where it landed and the noise it made.  If I wasn't planning on divulging such information, then...why blogger?

Like most beginnings, I don't know where this "lane" will lead.  I liken the experience to that of raising a child.  You love it, nurture it, even fear for it and eventually send it out into the world with the hopes it will make you proud.  My intentions are to share and possibly even inspire.  Like anything I do that could pass or fail, this blog will eventually be filed under the old adage my grandmother repeats ad nauseum ..."you will never regret the things you do, only the things you don't do". 

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